Function Creep After last years revelations of the NSA spying activities, hackers often despair over the lack of public interest in online privacy. An anthropological focus on the specific context of such activism may help explain this. Dorien Zandbergen • April 07, 2014
Real Smart Cities are not user-friendly The European debate on Smart Cities should focus less on “user-friendliness” and more on open access and engaging citizens in the complex political issues involved in the creation of technologies and cities. Dorien Zandbergen • December 18, 2013
Data confessions of the quantified self 'Quantified Selfers' are people who spend a lot of their time tracking, measuring and counting physical, mental and emotional aspects of their 'selves'. Critics refer to them as narcissistic 'datasexuals'. Dorien Zandbergen offers another explanation. Dorien Zandbergen • July 01, 2013
Exposing the interface: the critical future of (cyborg) anthropology Should ditigal research by anthropologists, or <i>cyborg anthropology</i>, be made available as a corporate market research technique? Or should it make explicit how our “predictions” for the future normalize political and corporate interests? Dorien Zandbergen • April 22, 2013